Well testing equipment Romgaz

The Well Testing Equipment provided by TOTALGAZ INDUSTRIE is a surface installation used for oil and gas wells testing and commissioning. The facility is designed to:

- reduce the well effluent pressure within the manifold
- heat the well effluent inside the WTG 634
- perform three-phase separation of the well effluent (condensate, gas, water) and metering of the three phases by means of STG 655 three-phase separator
- direct gases towards CCR 671 flare stack
- perform other operations, such as:
- chemical injection into the well effluent
- quick closing of the safety shut-off valve in case of emergency: overpressure, loss of pressure, pushing of the panic button, etc.
- connection between surface equipment components
- real time monitoring of the solids from the well
- wellhead pressure metering and recording operations
- monitoring the parameters of all equipment components.



Regulating-metering station Govora



    • Well testing equipment Romgaz
    • Instalatie de separare si refulare trifazica ROMGAZ
    • Instalatie de separare si refulare trifazica ROMGAZ
    • Instalatie de separare si refulare trifazica ROMGAZ


TOTALGAZ INDUSTRIE has launched quick opening closures.


2005, Frankfurt > TOTALGAZ INDUSTRIE receives the Arch of Europe Quality Award.